Welcome to the Planet!

This is a personal blog site that I created so anyone can join me as I travel the world.  Along the way we will see interesting places and things and experience local cultures, traditions and foods.  But most of all we will have the opportunity to meet, speak with and really get to know the people with which we share this place we call home.  These are our neighbors, whether around the corner or around the world we are all members of one race….the human race.

If you are new to this site I welcome you and greatly appreciate your comments, feedback and interactions.  If you look through the blog page you will see blogs from a trip to Australia and New Zealand. I recently returned from Indonesia but unfortunately I am a bit behind and have not yet posted those blogs (I hope to soon).  I am leaving soon for a trip around the US and Southwest Canada and I hope to post new blogs during my trip.

A couple of tips on the blog page…..I try to add relevant categories and tags to each blog to make them easier to find and sort.  Also, you can use the Search option if there is a specific word or topic you are trying to find….like Mount Kosciuszko (the highest mountain in Australia….which happens to have the highest “loo” in Australia :-).  Lastly, the Australia & New Zealand blogs were created in a different blogging platform and imported here so I apologize for any formatting issues or broken links with these posts.

I hope you enjoy you my site.  If so, please subscribe to the blog at the bottom and friend me on Facebook or follow me on Google+, Soundcloud, YouTube or Instagram.

Until next time remember…..it may be a big planet but it’s a small world.



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