Hello my friends and family. After having a full, long day traipsing around Sydney on day 8 I decided that Day 9 would be pretty mellow. It’s the “calm before the storm” as I prepare to leave on my next adventure on Monday (more on that later) so this post will be rather light.

I spent the morning doing laundry and researching future travel plans. Earlier in the week I learned that it’s customary for each member of the Elliott household to take his or her turn making dinner for the family and well, tonight that honor fell to me.  🙂  So I took the afternoon to venture into town, shop a few markets and decide what “delicacy” I wanted to create for my Aussie family.  🙂  I decided the main course would be a roasted pork loin with a raspberry balsamic glaze (yummy) along with my usual grilled zucchini, roasted brussel sprouts and a tossed green salad.  We added some grilled chicken at the last minute just in case anyone did not want pork (which did not happen)…..


They have a fantastic setup with their “outdoor” grill located on the large, beautiful deck (just remembered that I owe you pictures of their home….I will remedy that in a future post). I told Rick and Linda that if I had this setup and this great “always warm” weather (temps in the 60s in the “winter”) I would never cook inside.  🙂

My only concern with dinner was that I sometimes tend to cook too much.  Well, I’m happy to say that dinner was a hit as there were 4 small pieces of zucchini left and that was all.  Everyone enjoyed it.  Yay!

After washing the dishes and cleaning up the kitchen Rick and spent some time discussing my travel plans (more on that later) to get his input and as always he had some great suggestions. After I made some tasty chai, did some more reading and fell asleep with my laptop in my lap (which I guess is an appropriate place for a “lap”top to be :-).

In lieu of the “Where Am I” here is some information on the town where Rick’s family live and where I am staying….enjoy.


Mona Vale Beach

Mona Vale Google

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