My day started early (well, early for me), but not as early as it could have.  Breakfast was served at 7:30 so I woke up at 7:27. 🙂   There was an early morning dive at 6:30 (wake time 5:45) but anyone who knows me well would know….”Homie don’t play dat” (ok, who remembers that show?)…..

Before each dive there was a mandatory dive meeting to discuss the geography (we changed reefs twice a day) and go over the diving logistics (see yesterday’s blog).  After breakfast we had 30 minutes before the dive meeting….so I went back to sleep (7:30 is still too early for me).  🙂

Our dive location for the next 2 dives was Saxon reef (GoogleImages).  My dive buddy for this morning was one of my Belgium friends I met yesterday Stef.  Stef was a certified dive master and had dove many places around Asia and the Middle East.  He was a great guy and a really good diver.

We did two dives at Saxon reef before lunch and then moved to Hastings reef (GoogleImages) for the afternoon and night dives…..

Looking out over the reef is beautiful.  I love how the water breaks over the reef (in the middle of the ocean) and has a greenish turquoise color….

As for the dives, unfortunately the water was kind of cloudy today so the viability was not great.  In spite of that we still had some good dives and saw quite a bit of marine life (NOTE: The camera I had this day did not capture the colors very well.  The reef and fish were much more colorful than what you see in the pictures)….

Here are some pretty cool videos of the marine life….

Sea Turtle Eating Coral
Green Moray Eel
Cool Fish
And this was my favorite…..

Sea Turtle Swimming

After dinner we had another incredible sunset from the back deck of the boat…..

We did another night dive (with the sharks 🙂 and it was really cool seeing all the lights from other divers under the water…..

This was pretty cool…..the divers who were still working on their certifications could not do the night dive so they allowed them to lay on the dive platform with their mask and snorkel and get an up close view of the fish….and the sharks!  A couple came right up to them…..

Once we returned from the dive, put away our diving gear and got cleaned up and changed we sat in the lounge and talked for a while but we were all pretty beat from the long day so we turned in early.

Where Am I

2 thoughts on “Day 57 – Where’s Nemo

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